Thursday, November 11, 2010

Verify Paypal guna Bank RHB

Verify Paypal guna RHB BAnk.

Announcing the exclusive collaboration between RHB and PayPal, the world's No. 1 online payment service. Together RHB and PayPal are about to change the way you transact online.

Sekarang dah senang nak verify paypal. Kita boleh guna
akaun simpanan RHB bank untuk verify akaun paypal. Step nak verify akaun
paypal guna RHB nmacam kat bawah ni:

1) Buka akaun simpanan dekat RHB Bank. RM100 diperlukan untuk akaun tanpa buku.
2) Bila dah dapat nombor akaun dan kad ATM, daftar kat ATM untuk login ke RHB online banking
3) Login ke Paypal akaun, verify guna nombor kad RHB bank yang kita dapat.
4) Tunggu selama 2-4 hari, periksa penyata online banking. Daripada penyata ada 4 digit nombor
PP untuk kita verify akaun Paypal kita.
5) Seterusnya copy 4 digit nombor daripada penyata akaun RHB Bank dan terus login ke akaun Paypal
untuk verify. SELESAI!

Senang je...Selamat Mencuba.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

7 Things to Stop Doing Now on Facebook

Using a Weak Password
Avoid simple names or words you can find in a dictionary, even with numbers tacked on the end. Instead, mix upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. A password should have at least eight characters. One good technique is to insert numbers or symbols in the middle of a word, such as this variant on the word "houses": hO27usEs!

Leaving Your Full Birth Date in Your Profile
t's an ideal target for identity thieves, who could use it to obtain more information about you and potentially gain access to your bank or credit card account. If you've already entered a birth date, go to your profile page and click on the Info tab, then on Edit Information. Under the Basic Information section, choose to show only the month and day or no birthday at all.

Overlooking Useful Privacy Controls
For almost everything in your Facebook profile, you can limit access to only your friends, friends of friends, or yourself. Restrict access to photos, birth date, religious views, and family information, among other things. You can give only certain people or groups access to items such as photos, or block particular people from seeing them. Consider leaving out contact info, such as phone number and address, since you probably don't want anyone to have access to that information anyway.

Posting Your Child's Name in a Caption
Don't use a child's name in photo tags or captions. If someone else does, delete it by clicking on Remove Tag. If your child isn't on Facebook and someone includes his or her name in a caption, ask that person to remove the name.

Mentioning That You'll Be Away From Home
That's like putting a "no one's home" sign on your door. Wait until you get home to tell everyone how awesome your vacation was and be vague about the date of any trip.

Letting Search Engines Find You
To help prevent strangers from accessing your page, go to the Search section of Facebook's privacy controls and select Only Friends for Facebook search results. Be sure the box for public search results isn't checked.

Permitting Youngsters to Use Facebook Unsupervised
Facebook limits its members to ages 13 and over, but children younger than that do use it. If you have a young child or teenager on Facebook, the best way to provide oversight is to become one of their online friends. Use your e-mail address as the contact for their account so that you receive their notifications and monitor their activities. "What they think is nothing can actually be pretty serious," says Charles Pavelites, a supervisory special agent at the Internet Crime Complaint Center. For example, a child who posts the comment "Mom will be home soon, I need to do the dishes" every day at the same time is revealing too much about the parents' regular comings and goings.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pesta Belon Panas Putrajaya

Hot Air balloon fiesta presint 2 Putrajaya.

Sempat jugak jalan-jalan presint 2 putrajaya tengok belon panas.
Pesta belon panas yang diadakan dekat presint 2 putrajaya dari 19 - 21 mac yang lalu sememangnya berjaya menarik begitu ramai pengunjung! Sesak....

Ni ada 2-3 keping gambar dari dekat yang sempat aku rakamkan.

Free!Check the owner of the domain name

Check the owner of the domain name or website.